
freeCodeCamp Roman Numeral Converter | JavaScript Certification

Welcome to my latest freeCodeCamp certification project! As part of the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification, I’ve developed a Roman Numeral Converter that transforms modern numbers into Roman numerals. This project builds upon skills developed in my previous Palindrome Checker Project. You can explore this and other projects in my development portfolio.

Project Overview

About This JavaScript Converter

This web application transforms Arabic numerals into their Roman numeral equivalents through an intuitive interface. Users input standard numbers, and the application performs the conversion while providing immediate feedback on input validity.

Core Features

  • Seamless conversion between number systems
  • Support for numbers from 1 to 3999
  • Real-time input validation
  • Clean, accessible user interface

Technical Implementation

  • Pure JavaScript solution with algorithmic optimization
  • Regular expression patterns for robust input validation
  • Structured conditional logic for accurate numerical conversion

Development Process and Challenges

As a developer with visual impairments, I encountered several interesting challenges during implementation:

  • Conversion Logic: Creating an efficient algorithm to handle the unique rules of Roman numerals while maintaining accuracy
  • Input Validation: Developing precise regular expressions to ensure proper number formatting and range constraints
  • Edge Cases: Implementing comprehensive error handling for various input scenarios

Working with the provided CSS framework allowed me to concentrate on the JavaScript implementation, significantly improving my programming capabilities and problem-solving skills.

Additional Resources

Project Documentation

Interactive Demo

Try out the converter directly on this page using the interactive demo below:

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