I developed this Telephone Validator project as part of freeCodeCamp’s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification. This project builds on skills I honed in my earlier Roman Numeral Converter Project and demonstrates my proficiency in handling string parsing, validation, and regular expressions in JavaScript.
Project Details
This web application validates various formats of US phone numbers, providing immediate feedback on input validity. It showcases my skills in JavaScript and regex while ensuring a user-friendly experience.
Key Features
- Validates various formats of US phone numbers
- Handles different separators (spaces, dashes, parentheses)
- Accepts optional country code (1 or +1)
- Provides immediate feedback on input validity
Technical Highlights
- Implemented in JavaScript with a focus on regular expressions
- Utilizes complex regex patterns for precise string matching
- Responsive design for various screen sizes
Personal Challenge and Growth
As a developer with visual impairments, this project presented unique challenges:
- Mastering regular expressions: Tackled visually complex regex patterns and debugging.
- Navigating JavaScript intricacies: Focused on robust string manipulation and validation logic.
- Handling edge cases: Ensured the validator could handle various valid and invalid phone number formats.
While the CSS was provided, allowing me to focus on the core functionality, this project significantly improved my skills in JavaScript and regex, areas I initially found challenging. It demonstrates my ability to overcome technical hurdles and deliver a functional, user-friendly application.
— **Conclusion**This project highlights my ability to solve complex programming challenges using JavaScript and regex. Explore more of my projects, including earlier ones like the Roman Numeral Converter, on my portfolio page.
— ### **Additional Resources** #### **Project Links** – [View Source Code on GitHub](https://github.com/Lanie-Carmelo/FCCTelephoneNumberValidator/) – [Open Full-Sized Live Demo](https://lanie-carmelo.github.io/FCCTelephoneNumberValidator/) — ### **Live Demo** Below is an interactive live demo of the US Phone Number Validator project. Use this frame to explore the functionality directly on this page:Discover more from Life of a Rare Bird
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