
Word of Mouth

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Note: This post was originally written by Kate Devlin, a friend who contributed posts about her life with multiple disabilities to an earlier version of this site. Due to site transitions over the years, Kate’s posts now appear under my name. The content below is Kate’s original writing from 2019.

Word of Mouth

I am blessed to have finally found the resources I need, to both enjoy and tolerate life. Word of mouth has been my primary resource.

I thought I would discuss a few ways I used everyday conversation to get what I need.

1. I try to tell everyone I can about what I am looking for. The problem of working that into a conversation can be challenging. But I found when asked about whether I work, I can say that I admin a Facebook group for people with Multiple Disabilities. So have something you regularly do, that has to do with your disabilities, whether it be physical therapy, contributing to a related Facebook group, a support group, or the such.

2. Ask peers what they have found…duh. But it goes deeper than that. When they can help us, we are often afforded the privilege of returning the favor. So don’t assume you don’t need peers to relate to you.

3. Visualize your typical day. What is it you need? What is it you struggle with? What has helped you, and why? It sounds simple, but you may be surprised by your answers.

4. Research online. Yes, this is about word of mouth. But you MUST do the work, to get to the goods!

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